Page 49 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 49
Song of the Lodz Ghetto
DIRECTED By: David Kaufman
SCREENPLAy: David Kaufman
CINEMATOGRAPHy: Robert Holmes,
Colin Allison
NARRATOR: Albert Schultz
EDITING: Milenia Fiedler
CONSULTATION: Joanna Podolska
MUSIC: Brave Old World (Alan Bern,
Michael Alpert, Kurt Bjording, Steward
Botman) courtesy of JA/NEIN
Musikverlag & Pinorrekk Musikverlag
(GEMA), Jankiela Herszkowicz's music
with the permission of Elżbieta
Herszkowicz, song titles: Rumkowski
Khayim/Lodz fidl; Lodz Overture,
A gantz fayn maztlov; Nisht nor
simkhe/ Veynendiks; Vayl ikh bin
yidele; S’iz kaydankes, kaytn; Kimts
in herts/ Rumkovski Khayim; Es geyt
a yeke; Geto, getunya; Makh tsi di
eygelekh; Yikhes/ Winter 1942; Ver
klapt du azoy/ Geto vareyant; Lodz The film tells the story of Jankiel Herszkowicz's songs and their
meaning to the survivors all around the world. It describes the
coda; Bobover khupe – marsh;
Amerike hot erklert/ Kempfn research of Herszkowicz's work conducted by ethnomusicolo-
PRODUCER: David Kaufman gists and specialists in oral stories, who collect stories from
PRODUCTION: Sun-Sreet Production the ghetto. The film shows the story of a Jewish tailor who be-
CO-FINANCING: The Zuckermann came a bard of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto, simultaneously pre-
Family Foundation, Herschel Segal
senting the ghetto history and the figure of Chaim Rumkowski,
LENGTH: 121 min
LANGUAGE: english, polish subtitles the Elder of the Jews. Chava Rosenfarb, a yiddish writer living
in Canada, recalls the living conditions in the ghetto. Her-
FEATURING: Elżbieta Herszkowicz, szkowicz's daughter-in-law and his grandchildren recall his
Chava Rozenfarb post-war life (he worked for a long time as a night guard in one
ARCHIVAL MATERIALS USED: of the Jewish schools in Lodz). His granddaughter wanders
Photographs from Henryk Ross through the courtyards of old houses singing one of his songs.
collection, Ontario Museum, collection
The film scenes are combined with a recording of Brave Old
of yad Vashem, (photography section),
collection of the Jewish Museum in World's concert of Herszkowicz's songs in Toronto, 2007.
Frankfurt an Main, archives of yIVO, T.M.
New york
FILMING LOCATIONS IN ŁÓDŹ: Zgierska/Podrzeczna Streets,
municipal cemetery at Doły, ul. Rybna.
Films 47