Page 44 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 44
A Baluty Ghetto
[Ghetto jménem Baluty ]
DIRECTED By: Pavel Štingl
SCREENPLAy: Pavel Štingl
CINEMATOGRAPHy: Miroslav Janek
EDITING: Tonička Janková
SOUND: Michael Míček, Daniel Němec
DOCUMENTATION: cooperation with
the Jewish Museum in Prague – Anna
Lorencová, Anita Franková, Kateřina
MUSIC: Tonička Janková (selection);
Michael Delia, Usuku – Sunny side
of the road; Jaroslav Kořan and
friends – Líné léto, Zapomenutý
orchestr země snívců – composition
no. 1; Jaroslav Kořan – Selection /
Orloj cinkání, composition no. 5;
Lubomír Fidler – Every savage can
dance, composition no. 6. Lubomír
Fidler – Every savige can dance,
composition no. 9 – The World;
Lubomír Fidler – Jiná rychlost času
nr 1 Confine of light; Lubomír Fidler/ Hundreds of Jews from Prague were deported to the Litz-
mannstadt Ghetto. The accounts of Czech survivors are jux-
Štěpán Pěčirka, 4 x harmonika,
composition no. 3 – 100 Voices. taposed against the opinions of contemporary inhabitants of
PRODUCTION DESIGNER: Ondřej Zima Bałuty about their living conditions and their views of the
PRODUCER: Piotr Mularuk, Mag- world. In one of the interviews, Pavel Štingl said: 'I got inter-
dalena Napieracz, Ondřej Zima ested in Łódź because the ghetto is not a historical topic
PRODUCTION: K2 Ltd., yeti Films
there, but a timeless, universal question. I wanted to consider
Sp. z o.o., Evolution Films s.r.o.
Czech Television – Ostrava Studio the stigma of this place, which represents a half-decomposi-
tion. One can feel past events echoing there. I wanted to check
LENGTH: 87 min
LANGUAGE: Czech and Polish with how the fact that people were once living there under extreme
English subtitles conditions influences contemporary life in that district'.
FEATURING: Marie Alešová, Věra
Arnsteinová, Mája Randová, Liběna
Hájková, Mario Petrovský, Věra FILMING LOCATIONS IN ŁÓDŹ: 4 Kościelny Square (5),
Poláková, Peter Rössler, Rudolf Vilím, Franciszkańska Street, Bałucki Rynek (15) Radegast station (36),
Hubert Rogoziński, inhabitants Memorial Radegast Bahnhof (36) Sporna Street, Bazarowa Street
of Bałuty (11), Lutomierska Street, Młynarska Street, 8 Ceglana Street (16),
ARCHIVAL MATERIALS USED: 1 Limanowskiego Street (14), 28 Limanowskiego Street 918),
Photographs by Henryk Ross Zgierska/Wojska Polskiego Street (5), 22 Berlińskiego Street (29),
(Archive of Modern Conflict/Collection 5 Joselewicza Street (30), 10 Joselewicza Street (31),
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto)
27 Drewnowska Street (13), 56 Franciszkańska Street (21).
42 Films