Page 47 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 47

Memorial Radegast Bahnhof

                                            [Memoriał Radegast Bahnhof]

            DIRECTED By:
            Małgorzata Burzyńska-Keller
            Małgorzata Burzyńska-Keller
            CINEMATOGRAPHy: Józef Romasz
            EDITING: Monika Zawadzka
            CONSULTATION: Symcha Keller
            MUSIC: Małgorzata Burzyńska-Keller,
            Grzegorz Kortan
            PRODUCTION DESIGNER: Małgorzata
            PRODUCER: Fundacja Ochrony
            Dziedzictwa Kultury Żydów
            [Foundation for the Protection
            of Jewish Cultural Heritage]
            PRODUCTION: The City Hall of Łódź
            by order of Jerzy Kropiwnicki,
            Mayor of Łódź
            LANGUAGE: Polish
            LENGTH: 20 min
            PRODUCTION DATE: 2009
            FEATURING: Jerzy Kropiwnicki  The film narration is constructed of archival photographs and
                                      film materials combined with a soundtrack and recently filmed
            ARCHIVAL MATERIALS USED: Exhibits
            from The Museum of Independence  materials about Radegast station with its platform, carriages
            Traditions in Łódź        and locomotive, animated with the use of film and scenery
                                      tricks to create a visual story about the Łódź ghetto from its
                                      beginnings to its liquidation. In the epilogue, Jerzy Kropiwnicki,
                                      a former mayor of Łódź, explains how important it was to com-
                                      memorate this place which became a symbolic memorial of
                                      the tragedy of the Jews.

                                      FILMING LOCATIONS IN ŁÓDŹ: Radegast station (36), Radegast
                                      Bahnhof Memorial (36)

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