Page 52 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 52

Line 41

            DIRECTED By: Tanja Cummings
            SCREENPLAy: Tanja Cummings
            CINEMATOGRAPHy: Marek Iwicki
            EDITING: Tanja Cummings,
            Marek Iwicki
            Ewa Wiatr, dr Andrea Löw, dr Krystyna
            Radziszewska, Iza Terela
            DOCUMENTATION: Tanja Cummings
            PRODUCTION DESIGNER: Marek Iwicki
            PRODUCER: Tanja Cummings
            PRODUCTION: European Association
            for East-West Rapproachmnet (EVA)
            CO-PRODUCTION: Weltfilm GmbH
            LENGTH: approx. 90 min
            (the film is still in postproduction)
            LANGUAGE: Polish and German
            PRODUCTION DATE: 2014
            photographs from the Łódź ghetto,
            Legitimationskarten (work permits)  The main storyline features Natan Grossman's return to Łódź.
                                      Grossman, survivor of the Holocaust, lost his brother in the ghetto
            from the Łódź ghetto, lists
            of deportees, materials from   in 1942. His parents perished during the war. years later he visits
            the collection of the State Archive   the city and has to face his traumatic past and return to places
            in Łódź, Bundesarchiv, Museum   and events he wanted to forget.
            of Independence Traditions   Other survivors and witnesses act as guides to the history of the
            (Radogoszcz Branch, Radegast Sta-
                                      Łódź ghetto. A Polish woman named Henryka Żyndul recalls her
            tion Branch) in Łódź, family archives.
            FEATURING: Natan Grossman   everyday journeys on a tram which crossed the ghetto.
                                      Jens-Jürgen Ventzki, son of Werner Ventzki, the Nazi Oberburger-
            (Survivor), Jens-Jürgen Ventzki
            (Witness), Tanja Cummings, Armin  meister of Litzmannstadt who was responsible for the creation of
            Hornberger (Witness), Helena Bergson  the ghetto and extermination of its inhabitants, decides to under-
            (Survivor), Ewa Wiatr (Expert),   take the difficult confrontation with his father's past. The tram of
            Waldemar Seiler (Witness),   the title, No. 41, which crossed the ghetto through a fenced-off
            Tadeusz Borowski (Witness),
                                      corridor, is a metaphor for the complicated stories and intersecting
            Henryka Żyndul (Witness), Krystyna
            Latuszewska (Witness), Zdzisław  fates of Łódź inhabitants, who lived in the same city, but under
            Lorek (Expert), Grzegorz Wróbel   different conditions.
            (Expert)                                                              B.Z.
                                      FILMING LOCATIONS IN ŁÓDŹ: photographs of Zgierska Street,
                                      Kościelny Square (2), Wojska Polskiego/Zielna Streets (33),
                                      the former Gypsy camp (32), 1 and 2 Zielna Street (26),
                                      2 Tokarzewskiego Street (the former metal department, today
                                      the Municipal Street Care and Cleaning Company) (24), Old Market
                                      Square (8), ‘the red house’ – former Kripo post at 8/10, Kościelna
                                      Street (1) Radegast station (36), Jewish cemetery at Bracka Street
                                      (35), Staromiejski Park.
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