Page 45 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 45


            DIRECTED By: Borys Lankosz
            SCREENPLAy: Andrzej Bart
            CINEMATOGRAPHy: Borys Lankosz
            NARRATOR: Bronisław Wrocławski,
            Grażyna Walasek, Mariusz Siudziński
            EDITING: Wojciech Anuszczyk
            COMMENTARy WRITTEN By:
            Andrzej Bart
            CONSULTATION: Julian Baranowski
            DOCUMENTATION: Andrzej Bart
            MUSIC: Elżbieta Tyszecka
            Magdalena Janowska
            PRODUCER: Beata Bart,
            Grupa Filmowa Fargo
            PRODUCTION: Grupa Filmowa Fargo,
            Telewizja Polska
            LENGTH: 50 min
            LANGUAGE: Polish and English,
            with English and Polish subtitles
            PRODUCTION DATE: 2008
            FEATURING: Lucille Eichengreen,  The main storyline features the Western Jews in the Łódź
                                      ghetto and the accounts of survivors – Lucille Eichengreen,
            Erwin Singer, Roman Freund,
            Nachman Zonabend, Stella   Erwin Singer, Roman Freund, Nachman Zonabend and Stella
            Czajkowska, Bronisław Wrocławski  Czajkowska. Bronisław Wrocławski, actor of the Stefan Jaracz
            ARCHIVAL MATERIALS USED:  Theatre in Łódź, narrates the story presenting the most impor-
            Tunes: Es geyt a yeke, performed by  tant facts from the history of the Łódź ghetto and reading the
            Brave Old World, lyrics: Jankiel
                                      speeches of Chaim Rumkowski, including his appeal 'Give Me
            Herszkowicz (from the record Songs
            of the Lodz ghetto, Winter and Winter  your Children'. The artistic supervisor of the film was Leo Kantor.
            No. 910, 104-2; Rumkowski Khaim,                                      E.C.
            vocal: ya’kov Rotenberg, lyrics: Jankiel
            Herszkowicz (recording of 1985 r.
            from the collection of Gila Flam)   FILMING LOCATIONS IN ŁÓDŹ: Radegast station (36), Memorial
            Hebräische Melodien by Joseph  Radegast Bahnhof (36), 109 Franciszkańska Street (25),
            Joachim; archival photographs   Centre for Art Propaganda in H. Sienkiewicz Park; Zgierska Street,
            from the collection of the State  Wrześnieńska Street, 114/116 Piotrkowska Street, Młynarska
            Archive in Łódź and private collections  Street, Wojska Polskiego/Łagiewnicka Streets (3),
            of Lucille Eichengreen and Nachman  29 Franciszkańska Street (20), 4 Kościelny Square (5),
            Zonabend, excerpts from Dawid   K. Scheibler's factory 'Centrala' –2 Zwycięstwa Square.
            Sierakowiak's diary.

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