Page 51 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 51

Aspangbahnhof 1941.

                            A Story of a Female Friendship

                  [Aspangbahnhof 1941. Geschichte einer Frauenfreundschaft]

            DIRECTED By:
            Angelika Brechelmacher
            SCREENPLAy: Martina Aichhorn,
            Angelika Brechelmacher
            CINEMATOGRAPHy: Martina Aichhorn
            EDITING: Martina Aichhorn, Angelika
            CONSULTATION: Maria Goldstein
            PRODUCTION: Verlag grenzen
            erzaehlen, Vienna 2014
            CO-FINANCING: ARGE grenzen
            erzählen, Zukunftsfonds der Republik
            Österreich, Magistratsabteilung 57
            der Stadt Wien, Magistratsabteilung 7
            der Stadt Wien, Kärnter Sparkasse
            Forschungsrat der Universität,
            LENGTH: 69 min
            LANGUAGE: German
            with Polish and English subtitles
            PRODUCTION DATE: 2014
            FEATURING: Hella Fixel, Grete Stern  A story of two ninety year old women, who were deported from
                                      Vienna to the Łódź ghetto in 1941, and after its liquidation to
            née Feldsberg
            IN COLLABORATION WITH: Institut   Auschwitz-Birkenau. They met each other on the train to an
            für Wissenschaftskommunikation und  extermination camp and became friends for life. Their ac-
            Hochschulforschung, iff, Universität  counts were recorded in 2009 and 2013, when Hella Fixel was
            Klagenfurt, Instytut Tolerancji Łódź,  still living in Vienna, and Grete Stern in Israel, near Tel-Aviv.
            the State Archive of Łódź.
                                      Both women feel that they are the only ones who can under-
            collections of the State Archive   stand each other's wartime experiences and maintain their
                                      close relationship through frequent telephone calls.
            in Łódź, Bundesarchiv-Bildarchiv;
            The Central Database of Shoah                                         T.M.
            Victims' Names yad Vashem,
            Dokumentationsarchiv des
            Österreichischen Widerstands
            Österreichische Nationalbibliothek;
            Österreichisches Staatsarchiv;
            Stadtgemeinde Gmünd;
            Wien Museum; private collections
            of Hella Fixel and Grete Stern

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