Page 53 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 53

Give Me Your Children

                                                 [Oddajcie mi swoje dzieci]

            DIRECTED By: Piotr Weychert,
            Piotr Perz
            SCREENPLAy: Piotr Weychert,
            Mirosław Chojecki, Marek Miller
            CINEMATOGRAPHy: Grzegorz Siwicki
            EDITING: Sławomir Filip
            COMMENTARy WRITTEN By:
            Piotr Perz, Paweł Śpiewak,
            Piotr Weychert
            CONSULTATION: Anka Grupińska
            DOCUMENTATION: Piotr Weychert,
            Piotr Perz
            MUSIC: Jarosław Lublin
            PRODUCTION DESIGNER: Paweł Lipski
            PRODUCTION: Grupa Filmowa
            CO-FINANCING: PISF, Media Kontakt,
            City of Łódź
            LANGUAGE: Polish
            PRODUCTION DATE: 2014
            The film is still in post-production
                                      The film features the accounts of survivors, who recall the
                                      worsening living conditions in the ghetto, work beyond human
                                      endurance, death from starvation and emaciation. It focuses
                                      on an unprecedented event in the ghetto history: the Great
                                      Szpera. In his speech of September 4, 1942, Chaim Mordechaj
                                      Rumkowski, the Elder of the Jews, announced that the Nazis
                                      had ordered the deportation 24,000 inhabitants of the ghetto,
                                      including small children. Rumkowski appealed to the ghetto
                                      inmates to give their children voluntarily. Eventually, 20,000
                                      'unproductive' persons (children under the age of 10, the ill
                                      and people over the age of 60) were deported. Their deporta-
                                      tion was a harbinger of what was yet to come: a mass exter-
                                      mination in death camps.

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