Page 46 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 46
Litzmannstadt Getto: Memorial Radegast Bahnhof
Inferno in the Promised Land
[Litzmannstadt Getto. Piekło na ziemi obiecanej]
DIRECTED By: Mariusz Olbrychowski
SCREENPLAy: Mariusz Olbrychowski
CO-DIRECTOR: Bart Ziegler
CINEMATOGRAPHy: Marcin Kowalczyk
NARRATOR: Piotr Fronczewski
EDITING: Bożena Mrożewska
CONSULTATION: Julian Baranowski,
David Aaron Bloom
MUSIC: Kevin Mac Leod, yale Strom
Tomasz Wieczorek
Jarosław Olbrychowski
PRODUCER: Jarosław Olbrychowski,
Michał Kwieciński
PRODUCTION: Time after Time
International, Akson Studio
CO-FINANCING: Polish Film Institute
LENGTH: 57 min
FEATURING: Zygmunt Dąbrowski, History of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto narrated by survivors, Zy-
gmunt Dąbrowski and Helena Bergson, who recall their
Helena Bergson, Kazimierz Katz
(archival audio recording), Nachman wartime experiences. They describe the first months of the
Zonabend (archival audio recording), ghetto, the worsening living conditions and their everyday fight
Halina Hirschbein (archival audio for survival. Their voices are joined by those of other wit-
recording), Irena Korski (archival nesses. Historical commentary is read by Piotr Fronczewski.
audio recording).
The film was made to commemorate the 65th anniversary of
photographs by Henryk Ross, Mendel the liquidation of the ghetto in Łódź.
Grossman, Nachman Zonabend; Nazi E.C.
photographs and documentaries, film
materials on the commemoration
of the liquidation of the Łódź ghetto FILMING LOCATIONS IN ŁÓDŹ: St Mary's Assumption Church
(2008) at Kościelny Square (2), Bałucki Rynek (15), 1 Limanowskiego
Street (10)
44 Films