Page 48 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 48

My Lodz is No More:

            e Story of Yosef Neuhaus

            DIRECTED By: Zvi Nevo
            CINEMATOGRAPHy: Zvi Nevo
            EDITING: Zvi Nevo
            Avia Salomon-Hovav, Na'ama Shik
            MUSIC: Ben Nun
            PRODUCER: Zvi Nevo
            EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Lea Prawer
            PRODUCTION: The International
            School for Holocaust Studies,
            yad Vashem, The Hebrew University
            of Jerusalem
            LENGTH: 40 min
            LANGUAGE: Hebrew
            PRODUCTION DATE: 2009
            FEATURING: yosef Neuhaus,
            Helena Ochotsky
            Vashem Archives, The Visual Center
            at yad Vashem, International Historic
            Films, Inc. USA, The Steven Spielberg
            Jewish Film Archives      The film tells the story of the Jewish community in Łódź, fo-
                                      cussing on the fate of yosef Neuhaus. Born in Łódź in 1924,
                                      son of Tova and Zvi Hirsch, yosef was resettled to the ghetto
                                      in May 1940 with his parents and younger sister Sofia. They
                                      stayed  in  the  ghetto  for  four  years  and  were  deported  to
                                      Auschwitz-Birkenau. All members of his family were killed in
                                      the camp. yosef managed to survive and was sent to several
                                      other camps. In 1946, he immigrated to Palestine, fought in
                                      Israel's wars, including the Independence War in 1948. After
                                      the Independence War he started a family to begin his life
                                      anew. Zvi Nevo's documentary recalls the most important
                                      events of yosef's life, his fight for survival and his contribution
                                      to the State of Israel.

                                      FILMING LOCATIONS IN ŁÓDŹ: Zielona Street, Piotrkowska Street,
                                      Kościelny Square (2), Szeroka Street, Jojne Pilicer Market Square
                                      (3), Radegast station (36).

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