Page 42 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 42

e Gypsy camp in Łódź

            [Zigeunerlager in Litzmannstadt]

            DIRECTED By: Jarosław Sztandera
            SCREENPLAy: Jarosław Sztandera
            CINEMATOGRAPHy: Radek Ładczuk
            NARRATOR: Julian Baranowski
            EDITING: Jarosław Sztandera
            CONSULTATION: Julian Baranowski
            DOCUMENTATION: Jarosław Sztandera
            MUSIC: Teresa Mirga and Kałe Bała:
            I Will Tell You Something, Mother,
            We Don't Need Much, Lullaby
            (Jan Słowiński publishing house)
            Marcin Malatyński
            PRODUCER: PWSFTViT [National Film
            School in Łódź]
            PRODUCTION: PWSFTViT [National
            Film School in Łódź]
            LANGUAGE: Polish with French
            LENGTH: 20 min
            PRODUCTION DATE: 2004
            FEATURING: Julian Baranowski, Antoni  Julian Baranowski (The State Archive in Łódź) and Antoni Gal-
                                      iński (The Institute for National Remembrance) tell the story of
            Galiński, Hubert Rogoziński, Zdzisław
            Lorek, Ludomir Żądło      the Gypsy camp established within the Lodz ghetto boundaries
            ARCHIVAL MATERIALS USED:  between Głowackiego, Brzezińska, Towiańskiego and Staro-
            The State Archive in Łódź  sikawska Streets. A group of over 5,000 Gypsies from Burgen-
                                      land (located at the border between Austria and Hungary),
                                      including 2,689 children, was brought there. They belonged to
                                      the Gypsy aristocracy and brought a lot of jewellery and musical
                                      instruments with them. A typhus epidemic broke out in the
                                      camp due to very poor living conditions. The dead were buried
                                      at the Jewish cemetery (sections P4 and P5 of the ghetto field).
                                      Those who survived the epidemics were deported to the exter-
                                      mination place in Chełmno nad Nerem and gassed.

                                      FILMING LOCATIONS IN ŁÓDŹ: 84 Wojska Polskiego Street,
                                      the Jewish cemetery at Bracka Street (ghetto field) (35),
                                      the Gypsy camp (32).

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