Page 39 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 39
Zamir: Jewish Voices
Return to Poland
DIRECTED By: Rob Cooper and Eric Stange
CINEMATOGRAPHy: David Rabinovitz
NARRATOR: Joshua Jacobson
ART DIRECTOR: Joshua Jacobson
EDITING: Jon Neuburger
MUSIC: Yomeh, Yomeh (Benjamin,
Benjamin), Hava Nagila (Let us
Rejoice), Halleluyah (Praise the Lord),
Az Ikh Vel Zogn Lekho Doydi (When
I say „Come My Friend”), „Albukerke”
with Kapelye’s Chicken, HaZamir
(The Nightingale), Al Naharot Bavel
(By the Rivers of Babylon), Macht
Zu di Eygelach (Close Your Little
Eyes), Simona Mi-Dimona (Simona
from Dimona), Al Giv’ot Sheikh Abreik
(On the Hills of Sheikh Abreik), Tsen
Brider (Ten Brothers), Hatikvah
(The Hope), Regle (Mountain Forests),
I Got Rhythm, Bakhuri Le’An Tisa (My
Boy, Where are you going?), Even
When God is Silent, Niggun, Hey Har- The Zamir Chorale of Boston, established in 1969, performs
various kinds of Jewish music, including liturgical, classical
monika (Hey, Accordion), Mayim (Water),
Ledor Vador (In Every Generation), and ghetto songs. Its name refers to the Hazomir choir, which
Tumbalalalka (Play the Balalalka), operated in the Lodz ghetto. In the summer of 1999, the Zamir
Tikvatenu (The Antient Hope), Stimmt Chorale members set out on a journey to Central Europe and
and die Seiten (Let the Strings Sound) visited the places related to Jewish culture: Prague, Łódź,
Auschwitz-Birkenau, Cracow, Terezin and Vienna. They held
PRODUCER: Eric Stange, Pam Cooper
PRODUCTION: Spy Pond Productions Inc. public performances in each of those places – in synagogues,
on squares or in courtyards. According to the narrator's words,
LENGTH: 60 min
LANGUAGE: English their journey was supposed to facilitate their return to their
PRODUCTION DATE: 2000 spiritual roots and bring Jewish music back to its birthplaces,
FEATURING: Joshua Jacobson, where it once flourished.
Scheri Beker, Peter Bronk, Murray
Cion, Professor Arthur Lermer,
Arnold Mostowicz, Carol Tellerman,
Zamir Chorale of Boston
FILMING LOCATIONS IN ŁÓDŹ: Wolności Square, Nowomiejska
of John E.Allen Inc., Archiwum Doku- Street (7), 21 Kościuszki Street, the Jewish cemetery at Bracka
Street (35).
mentacji Mechanicznej, Filmoteka
Narodowa, materials from the film
Night and Fog directed by. A. Resnais
(courtesy of Argos Films), Henry
Baigelman's collection , The Historical
Museum of Łódź, National Center for
Jewish Film at Brandeis University,
Royal Library Copenhagen, The State
Archive of Łódź, United States Holo-
caust Memorial Museum, Carol Teller-
Films 37
man, yIVO Institute for Jewish