Page 37 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 37

e King and the Jester:

                           a Soul Song to the Lodz Ghetto

            DIRECTED By: Elad Dan and yosi
            SCREENPLAy: yosi Godard
            FILMING CREW: Dany Barnea, yehuda
            Kaveh, Daphna Kaplansky, yaakov
            NARRATOR: Dror Keren
            MUSIC: Avi Binjamin
            ANIMATION AND DESIGN: Elad Dan
            COSTUMES: Nurit Gordon
            PRODUCTION: Israeli Television ch.1,
            Israel Broadcasting Authority
            LENGTH: 50 min
            LANGUAGE: Hebrew
            PRODUCTION DATE: 1999
            CAST: Izrael Sasza Demidow (Jankiel
            Herszkowicz), Leonid Kaniewski
            (Chaim Rumkowski), Assi Rusak,
            Shmuel Etinger
            Grossman's photographs from the
            archives of yad Vashem Institute,   A television musical collage. Colourized archival photographs
                                      by Mendel Grossman are accompanied by Jankiel Herszkow-
            The Chronicle of the Lodz Ghetto,
            Jankiel Herszkowicz's songs,   icz's songs, which illustrate the state of mind of the ghetto in-
            photographs from the archives   habitants. The King is Chaim Rumkowski, who – according to
            of the Lohamei Hagetaot Kibbutz,   the film-makers – lived in a mysterious symbiosis with Her-
            Municipal Museum of Frankfurt,  szkowicz, a street singer, the Jester. The musical sequences
            Chronos Archive, Israel Film Archive
                                      intertwine with the speeches of Rumkowski and fragments of
            – Jerusalem Cinematheque, IBA Film
            Archive.                  the Chronicle of the Lodz ghetto.

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