Page 38 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 38
Małgorzata Andrzejewska-Psarska
CINEMATOGRAPHy: Marcin Buchowski
PRODUCTION: Verissima Productions
Incorporated, Pam Pacelli
Coope & Rob Cooperr
LENGTH: 102 min
FEATURING: Arnold Mostowicz,
interviewed by Małgorzata
Arnold Mostowicz – writer, journalist, doctor, survivor of the
Lodz ghetto, recalls pre-war Łódź, his family and the night-
mare of four years in the confined district of Litzmannstadt.
Małgorzata Andrzejewska-Psarska interviewed Mostowicz dur-
ing the production of a documentary about the Zamir Chorale
of Boston, established in 1969, and its precedessor, the Ha-
zomir choir of Łódź (full name: Hazomir Association for Litera-
ture and Music), which operated between 1899 and 1940.
Arnold Mostowicz's father, Ignacy Moszkowicz, was one of its
founders and its long-time president. Arnold Mostowicz tells
the story of his father's life – from a poor shopkeeper's family
in his native Krośniewice to an experienced businessman
(a lodzermensch) and an activist of cultural life in pre-war
Łódź. Ignacy Moszkowicz's path led him to the Warsaw ghetto,
where the Moszkowicz family escaped from the Łódź Gestapo
in hope of survival. young Arnold was incarcerated in the
Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Mostowicz speaks about the flourishing
cultural life of Łódź, brilliantly analyzing the social processes
which took place in the city. He does not avoid anecdotes. His
wartime memories, although guarded and seemingly devoid
of emotions, are a terrifying testimony of the atrocities of WWII.
M. A.-P.
36 Films