Page 36 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Litzmannstadt Getto. Ślady.
P. 36
studied at a Jewish school at Cegielniana Street 63
(Jaracza), the language of instruction was Polish.
Initially, it was difficult because I did not know Polish.
Her childhood she remembers, however, very well.
She spent holidays in Wisniowa Gora or Kraszew. All
ended in the autumn of 1939.
In March 1940 they moved to an apartment be-
longing to her grandmother (father’s mother) at
Podrzeczna Street 5, which was incorporated into
the ghetto. Another family was quartered soon to
their room. Juta completed in the ghetto two classes
of the high school. She worked in the departments
of saddling and straw. She engaged in the Zionist
organization Ha-Ha-Noar Cijonim “Akiba” operating
in the ghetto, where she met her future husband.
Jutka i Zvi już w nowej ojczyźnie, Hajfa 1950 Zvi – older by five years – he was her instructor.
Jutka and Zvi already in the new homeland, Hajfa 1950 – As soon as I finished work, I was running to the
organization. I withstood all obstacles. I did not feel
Jej rodzice – Beniamin Josef i Hela – prowadzili tam hunger, cold, nothing else mattered. There was so
dom towarowy. Pochodzili z Łodzi, ale poznali się much hope and we had plans for the future – says
i pobrali we Wrocławiu. Juta miała też młodszego Juta Bergman.
o dwa lata brata Zygmunta (Zimona). W 1934 roku During the liquidation of the ghetto in 1944, they
rodzina wróciła do Łodzi, bo po dojściu Hitlera do both were deported to Auschwitz. The mother and
władzy jako obywatele polscy zostali uznani za brother of Juta were murdered, but Juta was trans-
„element niepożądany” w III Rzeszy. Wkrótce po ported to Bergen-Belsen, and from there, after six
przyjeździe Beniamin Josef zmarł na atak serca, weeks of Salzwedel camp, she worked in a munitions
jest pochowany na łódzkim cmentarzu. – Wyjazd factory. The Americans liberated the camp in April
z Niemiec był dla niego ciosem, z którego nigdy 1945. After the war she returned to Lodz, to look
Koledzy szkolni z „Przemysłówki” (wydział
tekstylny). Zdjęcie zrobione przez Mendla
Grosmana w grudniu 1940 r. w święto
Chanuki. Zvi stoi w ostatnim rzędzie z lewej
School colleagues from the „Industrial
School” (the textile department). Photo taken
by Mendel Grosman in December 1940 during
Chanuka. Zvi is standing in the last row fromn
the left