Page 35 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Litzmannstadt Getto. Ślady.
P. 35
mother, survived the liquidation of the ghetto. They
were deported in 1944 to Auschwitz. Zvi was on one
of the last transports and later went immediately
to another camp, where he worked in a factory in
Brunswick. His camp was liberated on May 2, 1945.
Zvi was exhausted, only after his recovery he returned
to Lodz, to look for his relatives. He learned that his
mother and sister were murdered in Auschwitz. He
lived briefly in a kibbutz in Zachodnia Street 20,
where he met Juta and a few other friends, who
survived the war.
Juta Bergman (nee Szmirgelt) comes from an
assimilated Jewish family. She was born in 1927 in
Młodziutki Zvi Bergman w mundurku Wroclaw (then Breslau). Her parents – Josef Benja-
szkolnym, 1938 r. min and Hela – ran a department store. They came
The very young Zvi Bergman before the from Lodz, but first they met and married in Wroclaw.
outbreak of the war, 1938
Juta also had a younger brother Zygmunt, 2 years old.
In 1934 the family returned to Lodz, because after
powrocie do zdrowia wrócił do Łodzi szukać swoich Hitler came to power, Polish citizens were considered
krewnych. Dowiedział się, że jego matka i siostra “an undesirable element” in the Third Reich. Shortly
zostały zamordowane w Auschwitz. Mieszkał krótko after arriving, Benjamin Josef died of a heart attack,
w kibucu przy ul. Zachodniej 20, gdzie spotkał Jutę he is buried in the cemetery in Lodz. – Departure
i paru innych przyjaciół, którzy przeżyli wojnę. from Germany was for him a blow from which he
Juta Bergman (z domu Szmirgelt) pochodzi ze never really recovered – says Juta. The mother, who
zasymilowanej rodziny żydowskiej. Urodziła się dealt exclusively with the house and children, had to
w 1927 roku we Wrocławiu (ówczesnym Breslau). go to work. They lived at Pomorska Street 40. Juta
Ślub Bergmanów w 1946 r. w Niemczech.
Juta ma 19 lat , Zvi – 24
The wedding of Juta and Zvi shortly after the war
in Germany. Juta is 19 years old and Zvi – 24