Page 57 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 57
Holocaust and Representation. Notes on three
films about the Łódź ghetto
— Bartosz Zając
Right after I started writing this text I began to have cer-
tain doubts. Concentration on matters of style, form or
simply aesthetics is widespread and in most cases ab-
solutely justifiable in film studies discourse. In our eval-
uation of a film, we point out innovative narrative
methods, masterful direction, breaking storytelling con-
ventions etc. This is the way the film critics – cinephiles
by definiton – work, lifting avantgarde films onto
a pedestal to map out new roads in the evolution of cin-
ema. However, the description of films and documen-
taries about the Holocaust from such a perspective
seem unethical. Should we pass sentence on the value
of those pictures by using aesthetical categories; should
we analyze the form applied to the traumatic events of
The problem of representation of the Holocaust in
the cinema has a rich history of films of diverse genres
and themes, critical commentaries and aesthetical the-
ories. The Holocaust films constitute a large category of
movies which tell the multi-layered story of the Holo-
caust. They include compilation documentaries, inter-
views with the survivors, classical Hollywood feature
films, comedies, musicals and experimental films. His-
torians and theorists have long been arguing about
method used to speak about the Holocaust. Which po-
etics should be the one entitled to speak about the un-
A storm of polemics arose at the end of 1970s after
1 —
See: Miriam Bratu Hansen, the TV series Holocaust was broadcast in the US. Its au-
Schindler’s List is not Shoah: thors were criticized for using the classical convention
The Second Commandment,
Popular Modernism of realistic cinema and melodrama, just as Steven
and Public Memory Spielberg was for his Schindler’s List (1993) . Similar
Holocaust and Representation. Notes on three films about the Łódź ghetto 55