Page 32 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 32
Litzmannstadt Getto
DIRECTED By: Daniel Szylit
CO-DIRECTOR: Irena Kukulska
SCREENPLAy: Daniel Szylit
CINEMATOGRAPHy: Bogdan Chamczyk
EDITING: Anna Kozieja
Lucjan Dobroszycki
MUSIC: Piotr Hertel
Zdzisław Socha
PRODUCER: Wytwórnia Filmów
Oświatowych w Łodzi [Educational
Film Studio of Łódź]
LENGTH: 16 min 51 s
photographs of the Lodz ghetto
by Mendel Grossman and Henryk
Ross, pre-war photographs of Łódź
from the collection of The Jewish
Historical Institute in Warsaw and The film, Litzmannstadt Ghetto was made for the 20th an-
niversary of the liquidation of the ghetto. It begins with the in-
State Archive in Lodz; Dawid Sier-
akowiak's diary, Jankiel Herszkowicz's formation about the Jewish population in pre-war Łódź,
songs followed by subsequent stages of the ghetto's history: creation
of the ghetto, organization of industry, deportations, Szpera
and liquidation in 1944. The film highlights a communist
group led by Rachela Róża Pacanowska-Krengel. Director
Daniel Szylit (1924 – 1987) was a survivor of the Łódź ghetto,
where he lost his parents. His sister survived, but after the liq-
uidation she was sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and from there
to another concentration camp. As a result of Count Folke
Bernadotte's action, she was rescued and brought to Sweden.
Daniel Szylit stayed in the ghetto as a member of the 'cleaning
commando unit'. In 1949, he joined the Film School and later
worked as a second director with Jerzy Skolimowski
(Walkower, 1965) and Henryk Kluba (Słońce wschodzi raz na
dzień, 1967). Due to the anti-Semitic campaign of March
1968, he immigrated to Israel and died there in 1987.
30 Films