Page 33 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 33
e Face of an Angel
[Twarz anioła ]
DIRECTED By: Zbigniew Chmielewski
SECOND DIRECTOR: Wojciech Wójcik
SCREENPLAy: Zbigniew Chmielewski,
Stanisław Loth
DIALOGUES: Stanisław Grochowiak
CINEMATOGRAPHy: Stanisław Loth
Bolesław Kamykowski
EDITING: Zenon Piórecki
CONSULTATION: Stefan Grelewski,
Tadeusz Raźniewski, Józef Witkowski
MUSIC: Piotr Marczewski
SOUND: Wiesław Ćwikliński
Tadeusz Baljon
PRODUCTION: Zespół Filmowy Nike,
WFF w Łodzi [Feature Film Studio
in Łódź]
LENGTH: 91 min.
LANGUAGE: Polish and German
PRODUCTION DATE: 1970 A feature film. In 1942, a camp for children was established
within the Łódź ghetto between Bracka, Górnicza and Emilii
CAST: Jiri Vrstala – Augustin, Marek
Dudek - Tadek, Zygmunt Malawski Plater Street. The children prisoners were brought from all
– guard in the workshop, Wojciech around Poland and abroad. About 12,000 children went
Pszoniak – Tadek's father, through the camp, called Polen-Jugendverwahrlager, before it
Alicja Zommer – female guard was liberated by the Red Army. Less than a thousand survived.
(tossing breadcrumbs), Saturnin
Numerous minor prisoners were killed in the camp. Children
Żórawski – commander of the camp
classified as 'Nordic type' were sent to the Reich, and those
of 16 years of age were transferred to concentration camps
for adults or directly to Auschwitz-Birkenau.
The main character of Chmielewski's film is 11 year-old Tadek,
a half-orphan boy. Through his eyes, we see everyday life in
a concentration camp, where children are treated as cruelly
as adults in other concentration camps. An ambiguous rela-
tionship develops between Tadek and Augustin, one of the
German guards. Influenced by the medical opinion of one of
the Nazi doctors, Augustin plans to take the angel-faced
Nordic boy home to his wife. He alternately mollifies and hu-
A still from The Face of an
Angel [Twarz anioła ] miliates Tadek – the object of his attention. The boy begins to
source: Studio Filmowe Kadr gamble for the highest stake: the opportunity to survive the
/ Filmoteka Narodowa war.
Films 31