Page 36 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 36
Photographer e King and the Jester:
a Soul Song to the Lodz Ghetto
DIRECTED By: Dariusz Jabłoński
CO-DIRECTOR: Jakub Skoczeń
SCREENPLAy: Andrzej Bodek, Arnold
Mostowicz, Dariusz Jabłoński
CO-WRITER: Marcin Szczepański
NARRATORS: Peter matic, Szymon
Szurmiej, Norbert Langer, Jurgen
Andreas, Jurgen Franz
EDITING: Milenia Fiedler
CONSULTATION: Alina Skibińska,
Julian Baranowski, Marek Budziarek,
Karl Stuhlpfarrer, Bertrand Perz,
Florian Freund
MUSIC: Michał Lorenc;
vocal: Małgorzata Rudnicka (aria Se
non é vero)
Nycz, Janusz Wąchała
PRODUCER: Dariusz Jabłoński
PRODUCTION: Apple Film Production In 1987, a collection of colour slides from the Łódź ghetto
made by Walter Genewein (chief accountant of the ghetto)
LENGTH: 57 min – was discovered in one of the Viennese antique shops. The
PRODUCTION DATE: 1998 slides resemble an advertisement leaflet; they show law and
FEATURING: Arnold Mostowicz order and various kinds of industrial and artisan production
ARCHIVAL MATERIALS USED: of the 'model ghetto'. The reality presented by Genewein's
Walter Genewein's slides (property
slides is confronted with the account of an eye witness: Arnold
of the Jewish Museum in Frankfurt
am Main); documents Mostowicz, a former ghetto doctor. The narrative includes Ge-
newein's correspondence with IG Farbenindustrie AGFA about
of the Gettoverwaltung and Chronicle
of the Lodz ghetto (property of the the technical parametres of the slides, taken – as Genewein
State Archive in Łódź); included puts it – with a 'requisitioned Jewish camera'. The accountant
in the film are fragments of an was never judged and died in 1974 in Salzburg as a respected
unfinished film by Krzysztof Krauze Austrian citizen.
(cinematography by Jacek Petrycki).
FILMING LOCATIONS IN ŁÓDŹ: 4 Kościelny Square (5), Assumption
Church (2), Staromiejski park and the Old Market Square (8)
(aerial photographs), corner of Zgierska and Lutomierska Streets
(6), corner of Wojska Polskiego and Łagiewnicka Streets (Jojne
Pilicer marketplace) (3), Zgierska Street at Bałucki Rynek (15),
36 Łagiewnicka Street (Helena Wolff Hospital) (23), 14 Zachodnia
Street (10), 13 Bazarowa Street (11), Radegast station (36),
11 Jaracza Street (gettoverwaltung and Hans Biebow's office),
Jewish cemetery at Bracka Street (35).
34 Films