Page 31 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 31
e Time of the Ghetto
[Le temps du ghetto]
DIRECTED By: Frédéric Rossif
SCREENPLAy: Madeleine Chapsal,
Frédéric Rossif
CINEMATOGRAPHy: Marcel Fradétal
NARRATOR: Nadine Alari, Jean Perrot
Michał Borowicz
MUSIC: Maurice Jarre,
vocals: Devy Erlih, Emile Kacmann
Roger Fleytoux
PRODUCER: Pierre Braunberger
PRODUCTION: Les Films de la Pléiade
LENGTH: 79 min
LANGUAGE: French with Polish
and anonymous survivors
of the Warsaw ghetto living in France
materials shot by the Nazis in the The film tells the story of the Warsaw ghetto. It begins and
ends with images of a sea of rubble, which was all that re-
Warsaw ghetto in 1942, fragments
of Der ewige Jude by F. Hippler mained of Warsaw in 1945. The archival photographs show
(1940), accounts, letters, films everyday life in the ghetto, its stratification and contrasts:
and photographs from the archives famine and performances in cafes; a beach in the confined
of the Lohamei Hagetaot district (with no access to the river); removal of dead bodies
Kibbutz, Jewish Historical Institute
from the streets; cheap soup kitchens. The archival materials
in Warsaw, yad Vashem Institute
in Jerusalem; archival films from are counterpointed with a historical commentary and wit-
nesses' accounts of dehumanization, terror, famine, loss of
the collections of Film Polski,
Filmarchive DDR Berlin, Centre de relatives. The narration is conducted in chronological order
documentacion de juif contempo- from the begginning of the ghetto until its liquidation and the
raine, S.C.A. Paris, yad Vashem uprising in April 1943. Shots of Bałuty and Old Town of Łódź
were mistakenly included in the film as archival materials from
the Warsaw ghetto.
FILMING LOCATIONS IN ŁÓDŹ: Wolborska/Jakuba Street (9), a non-
existent section of Wschodnia Street, at present it is a part of Park
Staromiejski (filmed in 1940 by Fritz Hippler's crew). These materi-
als were thought to have been shot in Warsaw and therefore were
included in the film.
Films 29