Page 53 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Jesteśmy drzewami wiecznymi.
P. 53
W pierwszych chwilach i dniach pobytu w obozie
w Auschwitz znajdowałem się w stanie szoku, w istocie rzeczy
nie pojmowałem w pełni,
co się wokół mnie dzieje. Miałem wrażenie, że już nie żyję.
– Bencjon Hilel Landau –
In the first moments and days of staying in the Auschwitz camp,
I was in a state of shock; in fact, I did not fully understand
what was happening around me.
I had the feeling that I was already dead.
– Bencjon Hilel Landau –
Inmates from the Łódź ghetto, who had made it through the selection process
on the camp ramp, were divided into two main groups: registered prisoners
and prisoners placed in the camp without personal registration as a “deposit”
– temporarily kept alive possibly to be later used by the German authorities.
Jews from the Łódź ghetto registered in the Auschwitz camp dispersed among
the inmates and were sent to work in a number of sub-camps, including coal
mines in Rydułtowice, Wesoła and Jaworzno, construction of a power plant in
Stara Kuźnia, railway rolling stock repair yard in Gliwice and work on clearing
the destroyed refinery in Trzebinia of rubble. After multiple selections, the lar-
gest number of “deposit” inmates were sent to, among others, Stutthof and
Gross-Rosen camps. In the photo: the gate of the camp in Trzebinia.