Page 51 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Jesteśmy drzewami wiecznymi.
P. 51

Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi
            Marek Edelman Dialogue Center

            The deportees from the Łódź ghetto were transported to KL Auschwitz in cattle
            wagons, with about 100 people crammed into each of them. They travelled
            for three days in hot weather and without any basic comforts. Weak or sick
            people often died during transport. Upon arrival at the camp, the transports
            were directed to Auschwitz II – Birkenau. The camp staff ordered everyone to
            get out of the wagons. Women and children were sent to one side of the ramp,
            and men to the other. On the ramp, there were dramatic scenes as families
            and loved ones were separated desperately attempting to stay together. The
            next stage was selection conducted by a team of SS officers who decided
            about people’s ability to work – people who were deemed unproductive were
            sent to death in gas chambers. It is estimated that 67% of the Jews deported
            from the Łódź ghetto during its liquidation in August were sent to death. In
            the photos: the ramp and the gate at the death camp Auschwitz II – Birkenau.

             SS officers were standing on the ramp and one of them asked my mother:
                      “How old are you?” She answered truthfully: “Fifty”.
                  All my life, I’ve been thinking: if she had lied, maybe she would
                                   have stayed alive?
                               – Miriam Moszkowicz-Altman –

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