Page 55 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Jesteśmy drzewami wiecznymi.
P. 55
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej
Institute of National Remembrance
After the liquidation of the ghetto, a group of about fifteen hundred people,
the so-called clearing-up team (Aufraumungskommando), were left in the
district. Their task was to gather and prepare machines, raw materials and
goods representing greater value for transport to the Reich. In this group
there were also members of the “elite” of the ghetto, who were deported to
labour camps in Dresden and Konigs-Wusterhausen in separate transport in
October 1944. Those who remained in the liquidated ghetto were to be killed
in previously prepared collective graves at the Jewish cemetery. However, the
Germans did not manage to do this before the troops of the Red Army entered
the city. On 19 January 1945, about one thousand people were liberated in
the area of the former ghetto.