Page 25 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Jesteśmy drzewami wiecznymi.
P. 25

Archiwum Państwowe w Łodzi
            State Archive in Łódź

            As part of the extensive administration of the ghetto, the Health Department
            worked to provide health care for people imprisoned in the ghetto.
            The headquarters of the Department was located in the building of the
            National Health Service Hospital at 34/36, Łagiewnicka Street. Due to the lack
            of medicines and medical supplies, the system operating based on a network of
            hospitals, outpatient clinics and pharmacies, could not provide adequate care
            for the ghetto inhabitants, who suffered mainly from malnutrition and infectio-
            us diseases. The hospitals were liquidated in September 1942, when almost
            all those who did not work were deported from the ghetto to the Chełmno
            extermination camp near the river Ner during the so-called General Curfew
            (wielka szpera). The patients of ghetto hospitals were deported first. In the
            illustration, there is a chart presenting the system of hospitals and outpatient
            clinics prepared by the Statistics Department of the ghetto.

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