Page 81 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Artur Szyk, Man of Dialogue.
P. 81

Album-ksi„¿ka_ASzyk_wANGIELSKA.qxd  2012-05-27  20:59  Page 81
                                                            FIGURE 33
                    FIGURE 32
                                                                                                          STATUTE OF KALISZ 8 81

                        NUMBER 19.                             NUMBER 20.
                        An attack on a Jew at night.           The miniature on the right side, in the French
                        Artur Szyk paints robbers attacking a Jewish  text, features a Jewish merchant at work. In
                        man at night. The ducal privilege written in  front of  him, there is a table with vegetables,
                        the Statute of Kalisz ordered Christian  fish; in his hand, he is holding bread. Behind
                        neighbors to provide help for a Jew in need.  him, there is a painting with a Chinese
                        If they failed to do this, they would be  magician. It is another reference to the
                        forced to pay thirty shillings. Therefore, the  Statute of Kalisz.
                        official medieval law was a few centuries
                        ahead of its time.                     Article 36. Jews may buy all things freely
                                                               and may touch bread and other foods as do
                        From the collection of the Józef Piłsudski
                        Library (WiMBP) in Łódź.
                                                               From the collection of Marek Szukalak
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