Page 78 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Artur Szyk, Man of Dialogue.
P. 78

Album-ksi„¿ka_ASzyk_wANGIELSKA.qxd  2012-05-27  20:56  Page 78
                 STATUTE OF KALISZ 7 78  FIGURE 26              FIGURE 27

                            NUMBER 13.                             NUMBER 14.
                            The figure in the Latin text features a Jewish  The bottom figure features a state official
                            judge with a quill in his hand. The    wearing traditional Polish nobility clothes with
                            French-language text includes a beautiful  a mace, and on the other side – two children
                            initial supported by a Jewish man..    playing with a cat; here, Artur Szyk portrays
                                                                   his children: Jerzy was 10 years old at the
                            Article 22.The judge of the Jews shall  time and Aleksandra 5. The cat is said to
                            bring no case that has arisen among the  have been the Szyks' pet as well. The
                            Jews before his court, unless he be invited  illustration refers to the following article of
                            due to a complaint. Jews shall be judged  the Statute of Kalisz:
                            near a synagogue or in a place of their
                                                                   Article 26. If whoever should take a Jewish
                                                                   child away from its people,  he shall be
                            From the collection of the Józef Piłsudski
                                                                   punished as a thief.
                            Library (WiMBP) in Łódź.
                                                                   From the collection of the Józef Piłsudski
                                                                   Library (WiMBP) in Łódź.

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