Page 76 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Artur Szyk, Man of Dialogue.
P. 76

Album-ksi„¿ka_ASzyk_wANGIELSKA.qxd  2012-05-27  20:54  Page 76
                 STATUTE OF KALISZ 7 76  FIGURE 22              FIGURE 23

                            NUMBER 9.                               NUMBER 10.
                            The Latin-language side of the text is  The miniature in the Latin text once again
                            illustrated with a portrait of an elderly man  features two conflicted parties before a
                            wearing a characteristic head covering – it is  court of law, this time, however, it is an
                            probably a Jewish judge.                internal affair within the Jewish community.
                                                                    Therefore, the figure features only Jewish
                            Article 16. If a Jew be condemned by his  citizens wearing characteristic clothes.
                            judge to a money penalty, which is called
                            wandel, he shall pay him a fine of a    Article 17. Likewise, if a Jew is summoned
                            pound of pepper.                        to court by order of his judge, but fails to
                                                                    appear twice, he must pay the judge for
                            From the collection of the Józef Piłsudski  each time the customary fine. If he does not
                            Library (WiMBP) in Łódź.                come at the third summons, he shall pay to
                                                                    the judge a higher fine.
                                                                    From the collection of the Józef Piłsudski
                                                                    Library (WiMBP) in Łódź.
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