Page 27 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Litzmannstadt Getto. Ślady.
P. 27
“The people can be murdered with a bullet or
gas, but they can also be murdered by killing the
memory of them.”
A year later, the Foundation Momentum Iuda-
icum Lodzense was established in Lodz, of which
he became the first president. Its purpose is to care
for the heritage of the Jews of Lodz, mainly over the
Jewish cemetery in Baluty.
I mean the restoration of the memory of the mur-
dered Jewish nation. The cemetery is the starting
point for subsequent actions, which will have to
Wnuczki Arnolda Mostowicza – Julia i Dorota – podczas recall the role and significance of Lodz Jews in the
nadania imienia alei w Parku Ocalałych
Granddaughter of Arnold Mostowicz – Julia and Dorothy development of the city – he explained to reporters.
– when naming the avenue in the Survivors’ Park In his opinion, Lodz is the only city in Europe where
Jews played such a great and creative role in the
social, political and cultural life of the city. They
społecznym, politycznym i kulturalnym całego mia- brought in their spirit.
sta. Wnieśli w nie swojego ducha. Actually, in all areas of Lodz Jews wrote a mem-
– Właściwie we wszystkich dziedzinach łódzcy orable card of life – he underlined.
Żydzi zapisali przepiękną kartę – podkreślał. Arnold Mostowicz repeatedly spoke about the
Arnold Mostowicz zabierał wielokroć głos tragedy of the Jews of Lodz, whether it was by writing
na temat tragedii łódzkich Żydów, czy to pisząc memoirs and reports from the ghetto, entitled “Yel-
wspomnienia i reportaże z getta wydane pt. Żółta low Star and the Red Cross”, or reviewing “Chronicle
gwiazda i czerwony krzyż, czy recenzując Kronikę of the Lodz Ghetto” and the memoirs of Holocaust
getta łódzkiego i pamiętniki świadków Zagłady, czy witnesses, or telling his own experience in the film
Arnold Mostowicz napisał kilkanaście książek
i setki artykułów
Arnold Mostowicz wrote many books and