Page 27 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
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survivors, who tell the story of their life and families. The
authors are mainly professional documentary filmmak-
ers, but also those inspired to make a films about family
stories. These films register the memory of the Łódź
ghetto, but more and more often the historical events
become a pretext for artistic reflection.
We wanted to create a database of such films. We
have invited Tomasz Majewski, a film theoretician work-
ing for the University of Łódź and Jagiellonian University
in Cracow and Ewa Ciszewska and Bartosz Zając from
the University of Łódź Institute of Modern Culture to co-
operate with us. Our film project, Inferno in the Prom-
ised Land has been co-financed by the Ministry of
Culture and National Heritage.
This year, our film review will feature 23 titles, but we
want to continue this project in the future. Most of the
films presented in August 2014 will be available in the
archive which is coming into being in the Marek Edel-
man Dialogue Center.
e memory of the Łódź ghetto 25