Page 26 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 26

End of the summer camp    of the Łódź Jews and the ghetto all year long and not
            season at Marysin,        only during anniversary ceremonies. In 2010, the City
            September 1941.           Council of Łódź established the The Centre for Dialogue,
            Photo courtesy of the State
            Archive in Łódź           named after Marek Edelman, the last leader of the up-
                                      rising in the Warsaw ghetto and a honorary citizen of
                                      Łódź. Since January 2014, the Centre has been operat-
                                      ing in its new home in the Survivors’ Park.
                                         Commencing our preparations  for the 70 anniver-
                                      sary of the liquidation of Litzmannstadt Ghetto we have
                                      decided to bring documentaries about the ghetto from
                                      various places in the world and show them during the
                                      commemorative ceremonies in August. Up to this day,
                                      several dozen of documentaries, TV programmes and
                                      biographical films about the Łódź ghetto have been pro-
                                      duced in Poland and abroad; they often feature ghetto

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