Page 31 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Jesteśmy drzewami wiecznymi.
P. 31
The Eldest of the Jews set himself the goal of creating in the ghetto the lar-
gest possible number of enterprises – departments, which were to justify the
existence of the “closed district”. Work was also supposed to be a remedy
for all the problems of the ghetto community, i.e. declassing, crime and de-
moralization. When the Germans started the plan of exterminating the Jews,
Rumkowski argued that people employed in the German industry can feel safe;
he believed in the idea of “salvation through work”. With the deportation of
ever larger groups of people, it turned out how illusory the hopes were. In the
photo: an inscription on the wall of one of the labour departments “Our only
way is work – M.Ch. Rumkowski”.