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P. 139

STEFAN SKOTNICKI                             THE NETHERLANDS
                                                          DRZEWKO NR 620
                                                          TREE NO.

            Stefan Skotnicki was born in Łódź on 11 April 1935. His family lived at 35,
            Andrzeja Street. He was the son of Jerzy Salamonowicz and Hanna née Spiro.
            Zofia Kacprzak (née Podębska), a nanny and domestic help who played
            a very important role in his life, lived with them.
            Jerzy co-owned a small chemical factory called Syntex in Łódź with his friend,
            Lewinkopf. After the outbreak of World War II, even as soon as December
            1939, Stefan’s parents had decided to flee to Sandomierz, where his mother’s
            family lived. The Lewinkopfs with their son, Jerzy (well known after the war
            under the name Kosiński) fled from Łódź to Sandomierz in the same truck.
            When the Germans began to create the ghetto in early 1942, little Stefan
            and Zofia who pretended to be his mother left Sandomierz. “I quickly under-
            stood the consequences that not only I, but also Zofia, would have to bear, if
            we were recognized”, he recalls years later. “I understood relatively quickly
            that I must be “invisible”, must not attract anyone’s attention, look at anyone
            or make contact with anyone.
            Zofia came from a small village near Sieradz. That’s where they went, looking
            for shelter. “I remember a small one-room cabin which also had a hay-loft.
            I could hear Zofia’s conversation with her family. They were trying to persuade
            her that her behaviour was completely wrong, not only dangerous for her,
            but also for them”, he says.
            They fled that same night. After a few weeks, they found shelter in Warsaw
            and then in Otwock. In October 1942, Stefan’s father was arrested and
            imprisoned in Radom, and a few months later he was sent to Auschwitz.
            On 23 January 1943, the Germans carried out the liquidation of the ghetto
            in Sandomierz. Stefan’s great-grandmother was murdered on the spot, his
            grandmother committed suicide, and mother was forced into the wagon to
            be sent to Treblinka. She was the only one who decided to jump out of the
            speeding train through a small window with wire on it. She managed to do
            it. She was young and resourceful. She went to Otwock and found her son.
            They settled in Warsaw. Her mother, under the name Halina Skotnicka, lived
            with her friends in the city centre. She worked at the Toebbens factory, which
            produced clothes for Wehrmacht soldiers. On 1 August 1944, at the outbreak
            of the Warsaw Uprising, she just happened to be in Wola where Stefan and
            Zofia lived. After only ten days, the German troops, or rather the Ukraini-
            an troops of the General Vlasov’s army entered Wola. The Skotnickis were
            driven out of Warsaw. They found a temporary shelter in the nearby village
            of Borzęcin, then in Ożarów, and in December 1944, they reached Piotrków
            Trybunalski. There, in January 1945, they were “liberated” by the Red Army.
            “I really perceived the entry of Russian troops as liberation. I was almost 10

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