Page 72 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Artur Szyk, Man of Dialogue.
P. 72

Album-ksi„¿ka_ASzyk_wANGIELSKA.qxd  2012-05-27  20:49  Page 72
                 STATUTE OF KALISZ 7 72  FIGURE 15

                          NUMBER 2.
                          The artist again paints the scene of an oath in a court of law, this time made by a Christian.
                          Illustration of article 4 of the Statute of Kalisz: "When a Jew, without the presence of witnesses, says
                          that he returned the Christian's pledge as a loan to the Christian, then the Christian is able to clear
                          himself in this matter through his own oath."
                          Numerous initials, with a portrait of a nobleman in the center of the composition; the figure is
                          closed with an image of a peasant working in a field.
                          From the collection of the Józef Piłsudski Library (WiMBP) in Łódź.
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