Page 46 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Artur Szyk, Man of Dialogue.
P. 46

Album-ksi„¿ka_ASzyk_wANGIELSKA.qxd  2012-05-27  20:17  Page 46
                           Artur Szyk dedicated the
                 STATUTE OF KALISZ 4 46  Statute to Józef Piłsudski whom      Szyk's inspiration was Józef
                                                                              Piłsudski's May Coup. In 1930s,
                                                                              the artist designed a donation
                        he considered a great figure in
                                                                              certificate for the construction
                                                                              of the Marshal Józef Piłsudski
                        the history of Poland and the
                                                                              Monument-House in Łódź.
                        enemy of nationalisms of any
                         "I dedicate my work to
                        Józef Piłsudski, because I
                        believe that he is striving to
                        create suitable conditions for
                        peaceful coexistence of all
                        national groups in Poland."
                         On other occasion, he
                        declared: "I firmly believe that
                        the auspicious traditions of
                        Polish religious tolerance shall
                        triumph over the nationalist
                        persecutions."                          journalist. While already working on the
                         Artur Szyk's Statute of Kalisz is composed of 45  miniatures, and especially after the exceptional
                        leaves on which the artist depicted, in the form of  success of his illuminated texts at the exhibition in
                        illuminated miniatures, the Polish−Jewish history:  Paris in 1928 and in Warsaw, Łódź and Kalisz in
                        from the 11th century when Jewish artisans made  1929, the artist decided to publish the  Statute
                        first Polish coins, through the time when Polish  employing the heliogravure technique.
                        Jews were granted first privileges and the  The print took three years. Szyk's miniatures
                        participation of Jews in Polish fight for freedom and  depicting the contribution of Jews in the
                        their presence in Piłsudski's Legions. On beautifully  development of Poland and their participation in
                        decorated plates, the artist depicted Polish Jews who  the Polish fight for freedom, were made in the F.
                        contributed to the history of the country. There are  Bruckermann SA printing house in Munich for the
                        the minters of Mieszko the Third, doctors saving  Parisian publisher La Table Ronde. 25 copies were
                        the life of Barbara Radziwiłłówna, the hero of the  made, numbered from I do XXV, marked with
                        Kościuszko Uprising, Berek Joselewicz or  the  initials H.C. (not for sale) and 500 copies
                        member of Piłsudski's Legions, Bronisław  numbered with Arabic digits. Printing was finished
                        Mansperl. One plate is dedicated to the artist's  in January 1932. The artist himself admitted that
                        native Łódź and those who took part in the 1905  the technique of colour print allows for such unique
                        revolution. There are inscription in Polish, French  results that the Statute of Kalisz in the La Table
                        and Latin. Seven drawings contain the text of the  Ronde edition "cannot be told apart from the
                        Statute of Kalisz where the artist listed 36 privileges  original". The whole work is stored in a portfolio
                        granted to Jews by the Polish Duke Boleslaus the  case, bearing an impression of a silver crowned
                        Pious in 1264. The same text is quoted in seven  eagle holding a sword and a quill, with the coats of
                        languages: Polish, Hebrew, Yiddish, English,  arms: Pogoń (Lithuania), Archangel Michael
                        German, Italian and Spanish, so that the message  (Russia) and the Griffon. The spine and the corners
                        could reach as many people as possible.  of the cover are encased with crimson leather. Copy
                         Artur Szyk devoted several years of his life to this  number 1 was given to Józef Piłsudski; it is now
                        work.                                   kept in the Iconography Collections Department  of
                         "In Paris, I am considered an eccentric. Today,  the National Library in Warsaw.
                        when painters paint by yards, without time to even  In 1931, Artur Szyk was awarded the Gold Cross
                        finish their works properly, it is difficult to accept  of Merit for his work for Poland. His Statute of Kalisz
                        the existence of an artist who devotes two and a half  was shown in Paris, Geneva and London under the
                        years a single work of his," Szyk said to a Polish  patronage of the August Zaleski, the Minister of
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