Page 17 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Litzmannstadt Getto. Ślady.
P. 17
Argentina, Israel, the United States, from Warsaw
to Moscow, Buenos Aires, Sydney and Los Angeles.
The trees of remembrance are a symbolic trace of
their presence in their hometown. There are also
trees planted by those who survived Litzmannstadt
Ghetto, but came from other cities and towns, in-
cluding Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic
(eg. Michael Salomonovic from Ostrava or Lucille
Eichengreen from Hamburg) and the individuals who
came to Lodz after the war, but who were survivors
of the Holocaust, for example Marek Edelman. In
2014, when the building in the Survivors’ Park was
inhabited by the Marek Edelman Dialogue Center,
we started collecting information about survivors
and their families. We collect documents, inter-
views, archival photographs, videos, and keep in
touch with the survivors’ families. The exhibition
“We are eternal trees...” is the second part of the
project “Trees of Remembrance”. The title comes
Pola i Jeffrey z Australii – dzieci Ocalałych Krysi i Heńka from a line by Rachmil Bryks “Do not lose your spirit”,
Lipszyców podczas ceremonii nadania drzewka, wrzesień
2016 r.
Pola and Jeffrey from Australia – Krysia and Heniek
Lipszyc’s children during the ceremony of granting a tree,
September 2016
Są tu również drzewa posadzone przez osoby, które
przeżyły Litzmannstadt Getto, ale przybyły z innych
miast i miasteczek, z Niemiec, Austrii czy Czech
(np. Michał Salomonovic z Ostravy czy Lucille Eichen-
green z Hamburga) oraz pojedyncze osoby, które
przybyły do Łodzi po wojnie, ale ocalały z Zagłady,
np. Marek Edelman.
W 2014 roku, gdy do budynku w Parku Ocala-
łych wprowadziło się Centrum Dialogu im. Marka
Edelmana, zaczęliśmy gromadzić informacje na
temat Ocalałych i ich rodzin. Zbieramy dokumenty,
Josef Buchmann przy swoim drzewku w Parku Ocalałych
Josef Buchmann at his tree in the Survivors’ Park