Page 65 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 65
A still from The Face of an Gierłowski and Joanna Podolska. The authors used the
Angel [Twarz anioła] exhaustive visual documentation of the Litzmannstadt
directed by Z. Chmielewski,
1970 Ghetto. Numerous photographs depict the daily life of
source: Studio Filmowe Kadr the Łódź Jews in 1939, just before the war, and later
/ Filmoteka Narodowa after the invasion of German troops, through the begin-
nings of the ghetto and subsequent phases of its cre-
ation until its liquidation in August 1944. Viewers might
have seen some of these photographs in other docu-
mentaries. The testimony conveyed by this visual docu-
Holocaust and Representation. Notes on three films about the Łódź ghetto 63