Page 68 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 68

A still from From the depths   survivors speak, occasionally combining their accounts
            I call  [Z głębokości wołam]   with  archival  photographs  from  the  ghetto.  The  wit-
            directed by W. Gierłowski,  nesses talk to the authors, recalling their memories of
            2005, courtesy of Se-Ma-For
            Produkcja Filmowa         those traumatic events. It is generally sufficient. On the
                                      other hand, one may get the impression that the film
                                      lacks a form which would allow the survivor’s stories to
                                      resound. After the first version of the film was screened,
                                      the director Piotr  Weychert announced that the new ver-
                                      sion would differ from the first. ‘ At the last moment we
                                      took the decision to make a film for the [70 ] anniver-
                                      sary [of the liquidation of the ghetto]. Some say that the
                                      first version will suffice, but we would like to put more
                                      effort into the visual and sound form. We want to find
                              15 —
             The interview with Piotr  Weychert  the sounds of the ghetto and add some fragments from
                  is available on the website   diaries. But all attempts at aesthetization may be out of
                      of Dziennik Łódzki:  place in relation to the content’ .
   ,premiera-  At this stage, it is difficult to say what shape Oddajcie
             litzmannstadt-getto-1942,id,t.html  mi swoje dzieci will take in its final version. Will the au-

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