Page 66 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Time of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. Film images.
P. 66

A still from From the depths   mentation of the Holocaust grows weaker with time due
            I call  [Z głębokości wołam]   to the mechanisms described by Hirsch. The form cho-
            directed by W. Gierłowski,  sen by Gierłowski and Podolska testifies to their aware-
            2005, courtesy of Se-Ma-For
            Produkcja Filmowa         ness of the necessity to retrieve the meaning of these
                                      pictures, which must be supported by a film narrative in
                                      order to speak again. Z głębokości wołam combines
                                      archival  photographs  from  the  ghetto  with  staged
                                      scenes  and  verbal  narration.  Fragments  of  Sara
                                      Zyskind’s autobiographic prose, Jehuda Lubiński’s Dzi-
                                      ennik z Bałut [A Diary from Bałuty], Abram Koplowicz’s
                                      memoirs and poems and Abram Cytryn’s poems are
                                      read out by children. Instead of a classic voice-over, - an
                                      impersonal voice of history, we hear a subjective ac-
                                      count of the ghetto experience. It is supplemented with
                                      contemporary staged scenes where young actors do not
                                      so much play the role of Jewish children as lend their
                                      bodies to them in order to strengthen the performative
                                      power of the film as a medium between the testimony
                                      of the archival pictures, memoirs and poems and the
                                      present time.

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