Page 89 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Zofia Lubińska-Rosset - "Okruchy Pamięci".
P. 89
special permit to prevent deportation from the ghetto , signed by
Biebow, the master of life and death in the ghetto and led me to
a former Sickness Fund hospital at 36 Lagiewnicka Street. I re-
member that we were walking through completely deserted streets,
being pushed on by gusty winds raising clouds of dust and rubbish.
It was really terrifying. I was under the impression that all the peo-
ple had died. At Lagiewnicka St., on the premises of an already
disbanded hospital, those who had documents preventing depor-
tation were grouped. No more victims were taken from there. I
have no idea whether only children or also adults were gathered
there. I remember a huge crowd and the fact that I was sleeping
on a mattress (or a straw pallet?), because there were no beds there.
I do not recall how long I stayed at Lagiewnicka Street, or how I
got home.
I know from my Parents' stories that it was a salvation for me,
because soon after I left the house another search took place. All
the residents of Urzednicza and Drukarska streets, and probably
of others nearby, were herded out in front of their houses, and a
uniformed SS man picked up for transport all the children who
hidden survived the previous search and those adults whom he
deemed unable to work.
Crumbs of Memory
I have already written about the acute feeling of hunger. An-
other such overwhelming experience was biting cold in the autumn
The photocopy of the document found in 2012 in the State Archives by dr. E. Wiatr
of the Center for Jewish Research is in the Photos and Documents section.
Hans Biebow - head of the German civil administration of the ghetto (German:
Gettoverwaltung) found guilty of genocide after the end of the war, sentenced to death
and hanged in Lodz in 1947.