Page 86 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Zofia Lubińska-Rosset - "Okruchy Pamięci".
P. 86


                 To this day I remember the feeling of hunger dominating all
            the time. I was once asked about the feeling of hunger when there
            is nothing to satisfy it. I cannot describe it in a way that is under-
            standable to someone who has not experienced it themselves.
                 At first, I was - as before the war - a fussy eater. And the ex-
            planations that I had to eat to be healthy and strong did not work
            on me. However, I remember a moment when we received a pack-
            age from my Mom's family from Bialystok or Stanislawow, con-
            taining clarified butter and honey. Suddenly I threw myself at a
            slice of bread spread with that butter and honey, the sight my Par-
            ents greatly enjoyed. As it soon turned out, it was the first symptom
            of starvation. From then on, there was no problem with my fussy
            eating, on the contrary, I never had enough food, so my Parents
            rationed their portions to feed me.
                 The difficulties in getting food were supposed to be mitigated
            to some extent (though very insignificantly) by a small plot of land
            allotted to us at the end of Urzednicza St. (three patches!). Some
            vegetables could be planted or sown there, but apart from a very
            high cost of obtaining seeds or seedlings, this was of little use to
            us. Either the "crops" did not come up or they were stolen, not to
            mention the fact that the plot was located next to the wires and
            going there was very dangerous due to the possibility of being shot
            by the guards. Most often, regardless of what could be obtained
            and sown, pigweed overgrew everything. It was rarely possible to
            grow single kohlrabi, carrots or white radishes, which we called
            ajscapens .
                 My Mom tried to feed us by making cakes from carrot top
            leaves and grounds of cereal coffee, a poor substitute for the real

              Eiszapfen (German) – icicles (a species of white radish).

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