Page 92 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Zofia Lubińska-Rosset - "Okruchy Pamięci".
P. 92
with me in the straw department. One day he did not come to work
and I never saw him again.
At home, my Parents quite often discussed their pre-war close
friends, who also came to the ghetto, Mr. Julek Brodzicki (he prob-
ably worked at 7 or 14 Dworska St. in the provisions department)
and Mr. Hecht. At some point these conversations stopped.
And also Mr. Blady. He lived in our street, 2-3 houses away.
Once Dad, visiting him in the course of his administrative duties,
took me with him. For the first time in my life I saw a man so
swollen. When Dad later told me it was because of hunger, I was
surprised because I imagined - in line with my childhood logic -
that a starving person should be getting thinner.
It is hard for me to understand that I do not remember when
Jurek Weltfrajd and his parents disappeared from my life. After all,
Jurek and I were inseparable. We spent entire days together, from
morning till night. We had our own fun and secrets, we worked
together. Suddenly everything stopped. I missed him greatly. Only
after the war, we learned from Mr Weltfrajd, who survived the
Holocaust, that his wife and Jurek had died in the gas chamber of
KZ Auschwitz. However, I do not recall if he told us when and
under which circumstances, they had been deported from the
ghetto. How deeply he suffered the death of his loved ones can be
proved by the fact that afterwards he was unable to celebrate his
birthday on January 13 , because it was also Jurek's birthday.
All those people disappeared from my world. Yet they all re-
main in my memory and still accompany me, walking like shadows
through my life with me.