Page 112 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Zofia Lubińska-Rosset - "Okruchy Pamięci".
P. 112

maple, number 269, and grows right at the main avenue, named
            after the writer and physician Arnold Mostowicz. Since 2005, she
            has participated in the annual commemorations of the Lodz ghetto
            liquidation. In August 2021 she spoke on behalf of the Survivors
            at the Radegast station.
                 “After the war, I really wanted to forget about those cruel
            years, but I soon realized that they could not be forgotten, and
            even that they must not be forgotten” - she said to the audience
            gathered at the ceremony. “But memory alone is not enough. This
            memory must be special, devoid of hatred, desire for revenge or
            retaliation, free from aggression and contempt, rich in respect and
            understanding for human diversity. Only such memory can give
            hope that the tragic history will not be repeated”.
                 The book “Crumbs of Memory” by Zofia Lubinska-Rosset,
            published at the Dialogue Center’ Library in the series: “People”,
            brings back the memory of the events from several decades ago,
            but is also an appeal of the Survivors' generation to us, contempo-
            raries, never to forget about what happened during World War II,
            neither be indifferent nor allow hatred.
                 I would like to express my thanks to the World Without End
            Publishing and its owner Mr. Mirek Sopek for the support in pub-
            lishing this book.
                                                           Joanna Podolska,
                                                            Lodz, June 2022

            „Dzieci Holocaustu mówią…” (Children of the Holocaust Speak...), edited
            by Wiktoria Śliwowska, Warsaw 1993, vol. 1.
            Magda Łucyan, „Dzieci getta. Ostatni świadkowie zagłady. Prawdziwe his-
            torie” (Children of the Ghetto. Last Witnesses of the Holocaust. True Stories),
            Znak Horyzont, Krakow 2021.

            Materials provided by the Author.

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