Page 110 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Zofia Lubińska-Rosset - "Okruchy Pamięci".
P. 110

alized that, apart from contact with children, she also had to estab-
            lish relations with their parents, and it was extremely important,
            because an infant is completely dependent on the care and protec-
            tion of adults, as well as their attention and empathy. - “The par-
            ents of a premature or a sick baby must observe it and notice any
            irregularities. Doctors support them in this task”- explains Lubin-
            ska-Rosset. She focused on neonatology, although there was no
            such  specialization  at the  time.  -  "I  learned  everything  through
            practice" - she emphasizes. "This is a really tough specialization,
            though it does not seem so at first glance," she says.

                 After graduating and receiving her medical degree - from De-
            cember 1958 to 1961 she worked in children's clinics at 6 Lecznicza
            St. and 56 Zarzewska Street. In January 1960 she was employed at
            the  Outpatient  Children’s  Gynecology  Clinic  of  the  Maria
            Sklodowska-Curie Hospital at 15/17 Sklodowskiej-Curie St. (cur-
            rently an outpatient clinic). At the same time, she was delegated to
            work in the Newborns Ward of the 1st Clinic of Obstetrics and
            Women's Diseases (later the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecol-
            ogy), headed by excellent pediatricians: dr. Izaak Dynenson, and
            then dr. Lucyna Bienkiewicz, and the clinic was headed by prof.
            Jozef Sieroszewski. Zofia Lubinska-Rosset worked there until Oc-
            tober  1986,  consecutively  as  assistant,  senior  assistant,  assistant
            professor and senior lecturer, and for many years as the deputy
            head of the ward. At the time, the ward also operated at the Ludwik
            Rydygier Hospital (13 Seweryna Sterlinga St.), and later at the Mau-
            rycy Madurowicz Hospital (at 37 Malgorzaty Fornalskiej St., now
            Wilenska St.). In 1967 and 1975 respectively she obtained the first
            and second degree of specialization in pediatrics, and in 1972 she
            defended her thesis  "Acid-base balance in newborns  from pro-
            longed  and post-mature pregnancies", under the supervision of
            prof. Alina Komorowska, obtaining the degree of doctor of medi-
            cal sciences.

                 At the beginning of December 1987 Zofia Lubinska-Rosset
            was employed at the Polish Mother's Health Center Hospital, while

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