Page 107 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Zofia Lubińska-Rosset - "Okruchy Pamięci".
P. 107
aggression and contempt, rich in respect and understanding for
human diversity. Only such memory can give hope that the tragic
history will not be repeated, just as a nightmare sometimes can.
How easy it is to say "never again" or "we will not allow such
crimes to be repeated". These words are as simple and obvious as
they are not very effective. Similar tragedies can be repeated if we
do not realize that forgiveness does not mean exemption from re-
sponsibility, that forgiveness does not mean forgetting.
Therefore, let us take care of the memory, let us not be indif-
ferent and let us not allow hatred.
Lodz, August 27, 2021