Page 104 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Zofia Lubińska-Rosset - "Okruchy Pamięci".
P. 104

to save you. Your parents and other relatives. Alone, you would
            have had no chance. It is your duty to save them from sliding into
            oblivion. It is your debt of gratitude that you must pay”. And only
            this argument convinced me. Marek Edelman is no longer with us,
            but I would like to thank him first as he was the initiator of this
                 When the idea of writing memoirs was taking form, my hus-
            band Stefan became its ardent supporter. Then endless discussions
            began and drawing from the depths of my memory the situations
            I experienced, long-forgotten events, conversations and images,
            often difficult or even impossible to connect. Stefan carefully rec-
            orded them all, systematized individual threads and took care of
            linguistic correctness. He also contributed by editing the footnotes
            to explain some concepts that younger generations may find in-
            comprehensible. Returning to the described events many times, we
            went through the horror again, this time together. Thank you for
            everything, Stefek!
                 I would like to warmly thank my older son, Tomasz, for the
            final editing of the book material, proofreading its content and up-
            grading the form. He did a great job!
                 Equally heartfelt thanks go to my daughter-in-law Joanna for
            her time and effort put into the English translation of the text.
                 My younger son, Witold, spared no time working on the fre-
            quently updated versions of the text, suggesting many valuable cor-
                 I would like to thank my daughter-in-law, Iwona, for her time
            spent on arduous research in the archives, the results of which I
            used in the publication.

                 Among those to whom I express my gratitude my grandson
            Christopher must be mentioned. When this work was in its early
            stages (and he was  little Chris  then!), he began to format it. It
            helped a lot that as a computer specialist (first by passion, now by

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