Page 81 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Jesteśmy drzewami wiecznymi.
P. 81
Lucie (Lusia) Cytryn-Bialer (1923-2011) was born in Łódź into a weal-
thy, religious family. The family lived in 11 Listopada Street. In 1940, forced
to move to the ghetto, they lived in Brzezińska Street, and then they moved
to Starosikawska Street. Lusia attended school in the ghetto, and after it
was closed, she worked in an ironing room and in an office. Her father and
grandparents died in the ghetto. Her younger brother, Abram, is the author of
heart-breaking poems written in the ghetto. In August 1944, the entire family
was deported to Auschwitz. Her mother and brother Abram were murdered
there. Lusia was sent to the Stutthof camp and then to Schippenbeil. During the
death march, she decided to escape, which saved her life. After the war, she
returned to Łódź for a short time, where she found Abram’s preserved poems.
In 1950, she and her husband went to Israel and then to France. After the war,
she propagated the history of her family and the work of her brother who had
been murdered in Auschwitz. She visited Łódź many times. In 2009, Abram’s
poems entitled, Wżarł się we mnie ból. Próby literackie Abrama Cytryna (Pain
has eaten into me. Literary attempts of Abram Cytryn) were published in Polish.