Page 133 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Jesteśmy drzewami wiecznymi.
P. 133
daughter, participated in many projects dedicated to her grandfather. For
example, she sang in the ballet performance, “Colour Yellow” and was also
the co-creator of the international theatre project, “Szpera ‘42”. Jankiel
Herszkowicz’s son, Jerzy, was a professional soldier in the radar regiment for
30 years, and in recent years he has returned to his roots.
In 1966, Herszkowicz’s songs were recorded by the Polish Radio station in Łódź
as part of the series of programmes entitled “It was easier to survive with it”.
Thanks to that, the voice of the ghetto troubadour was recorded on tape.
Much later, several films were made based on his story. Among them was
a film made by Israelis entitled The King and the Jester, where the singer from
the ghetto was juxtaposed with Rumkowski. Canadian director, David Kauf-
mann, who calls Herszkowicz the Bob Dylan of Łódź, directed a documentary
entitled Song of the Lodz Ghetto.
In 1994, in Paris a book entitled Jankl Herszkowicz. Der gezang fun lodzer
getto (Ballads from the Łódź ghetto) was published by Josef Wajsblat, while
Gila Flam in Israel described Herszkowicz in the book, Singing for Survival.
Wnuczka Jankiela Herszkowicza, Łucja, w spektaklu Teatru Wielkiego pt. „Kolor żółty”, Łódź 2005.
Archiwum rodzinne
The artist’s granddaughter Łucja, in the performance “Colour Yellow”, The Grand Theatre in Lodz, 2005.
Family archive