Page 48 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana. Edelman. The Man
P. 48
Simcha Ratajzer Rotem – ‘Kazik’
‘He is one of the heroes. He was eighteen back then. He
was left alone on the Aryan side, without any contacts,
without any help from the Polish underground, with Antek
Cukierman, who’d had a nervous breakdown and wanted
to go back to the ghetto to die, and that self-confident
daredevil, with a revolver in his hand and audacity in his
head, went at night with two people to the ghetto through
the sewers, on his own initiative, and arranged a way out
for the last ghetto fighters. The elders would probably never
have let him do that. But that’s what happened and luckily
it went well’.