Page 45 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana. Edelman. The Man
P. 45
Cywia Lubetkin
and her husband ‘Icchak’ Cukierman
‘Antek and Celina. Celina and Antek. Cywie und Icchak.
Icchak und Cywie. Such a contrast, and yet a unity. He was
tall, handsome, blond, blue eyes, always smiling, sometimes
pensive, calm, sensible. She was average height, black-
haired with bright, intense eyes, determined, thoughtful
- a female leader. Faithful to her principles, she had faith
and full trust in people – those were her characteristics.
(…) Antek was – and remained – the closest person to me.
He was a man who knew what friendship is. And Celina
was – and remained – my closest friend, till the end of her
life. She understood me and she understood my demeanour
[my actions]. (…) You cannot have closer and more devoted