Page 67 - Centrum Dialogu im. Marka Edelmana w Łodzi. Litzmannstadt Getto. Ślady.
P. 67
In the ghetto he worked in the leather division,
where he prepared footwear for the Germans. In
1943, his father died (he is buried in the depart-
ment at Bracka Street). In August 1944 Roman with
his mother, brother and sisters was deported to
Auschwitz, where a few months later he went with
Leon to Gross-Rosen and later to Flossenburg. They
walked in a march in the direction of Dachau, where
on 23 April 1945 the US military came. The brothers
began to look for the rest of the family. As it turned
out, his mother was murdered in Auschwitz-Birk-
enau, but the two sisters survived the war and were
already in Sweden. They met in Lübeck. Unfortunate-
ly, Dasha died a few months later – she was exhaust-
ed by camps. Renia decided to stay in Sweden, where
she married Symcha Bunim Kopelman. Meanwhile
the Kniker brothers, together with other children and
young people – survivors of the Holocaust, managed
to leave to the United States. They sailed to New York
in 1946. They lived first in a foster family home in
Atlanta (Georgia). Roman studied business at Emory
University, and Leon – medicine at Tulane University.
Roman Kent na ul. Spacerowej, gdzie mieszkał After graduation, they both went to New York and
w czasie wojny w getcie. W tle mural z wizerunkami changed their name to Kent. Leon was a well-known
jego kolegów z klasy neurosurgeon. Roman Kent quickly won success in
Roman Kent in Spacerowa street, where he lived during the import-export industry and in a short time as
the war in the ghetto. In the background mural with the proverbial poor man became a wealthy man.
images of his classmates
In 1957, Roman Kent met his future wife - Hannah
Starkman. They have two children, Jeffrey and Susan,
and three grandchildren, Dara, Eryn and Sean. For
Od 2003 roku był wiceprzewodniczącym, a od many years, Kent has been dealing with the study
2011 roku przewodniczącym Międzynarodowego of the Holocaust and Survivors and the Righteous. It
Komitetu Oświęcimskiego. Jest także członkiem led him to the observation that many of these people
Międzynarodowej Rady Oświęcimskiej. have coped so well with life. In 1980 he produced
– Jedna minuta w Auschwitz była jak cały dzień, the film Children of the Holocaust dedicated to the
dzień jak rok, rok jak wieczność – mówił w byłym memory of children who died in the Holocaust. The
niemieckim obozie Auschwitz-Birkenau w styczniu narrator is a Swedish actress Liv Ullman, with whom
2015 roku podczas uroczystości z okazji 70. rocznicy the Kents became friends. The document received
wyzwolenia obozu. the International Film Festival Award in New York.
– „Pamiętaj” – to właśnie słowo często powtarzał Currently, Roman Kent is the chairman of the Amer-
mi mój ojciec podczas Holokaustu. Dzisiaj, 70 lat ican Assembly of Jewish Survivors of the Holocaust
później, to przykazanie, by pamiętać, jest naprawdę and the treasurer of the Jewish Claims Conference.
całkiem zbędne. Ja, ocalony z Auschwitz, nie mogę Since 2003 he was the deputy chairman, and since
nawet na chwilę zapomnieć koszmaru, jaki prze- 2011 the chairman of the International Auschwitz
żyłem w obozie koncentracyjnym. Potworności, Committee. He is also a member of the International